LearningRx1 September, 2016 | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 2

Reading books could extend lifespan by up to 2 years

Sep 24, 2016 by

Yale University School of Public Health researchers have found that book reading increased survival by up to 23% in a study of American adults aged 50 and older. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/312167.php...

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Common painkiller may reverse memory loss

Sep 22, 2016 by

A study published in the journal “Nature Communications” has found that mefenamic acid—which is typically used to treat mild to moderate pain due to menstrual cramps—may be effective in reversing memory loss by reducing inflammation....

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Ability to turn off genes in brain is crucial for memory and learning...

Sep 20, 2016 by

By studying mice, scientists have learned that if genes get stuck in the “on” position, the brain’s wiring can be negatively affected, causing serious consequences for learning and memory....

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Complex learning breaks down barriers in the brain

Sep 18, 2016 by

Researchers found that when teaching Braille to sighted individuals, the visual cortex—not the tactile cortex—was activated....

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Neuroimaging reveals mental stages as students do math

Sep 16, 2016 by

A Carnegie Mellon University study used fMRIs to identify patterns of brain activity that correspond with four distinct stages of problem solving....

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New molecule protects brain after mTBI with one dose

Sep 14, 2016 by

A single dose of TXM-peptides may prevent damage to the brain if administered even one hour after a mild traumatic brain injury....

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