LearningRx1 March, 2017 | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 2

LearnngRx reviews study on mini-brain being very similar to real brain...

Mar 17, 2017 by

Researchers studying cerebro organoid models of a brain were a lot more similar to real brain tissue than 2D models in terms of gene expression and cell differentiation. In the early developmental stage, the mini-brains developed at a very...

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LearningRx reviews study on light therapy treating Alzheimer’s...

Mar 15, 2017 by

A study out of MIT suggests that a particular type of light therapy may offer a noninvasive treatment for Alzheimer’s. The treatment involves shining flickering light into the eyes to induce gamma oscillations in the brain....

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LearningRx reviews study on how bipolar disorder affects memory...

Mar 13, 2017 by

Research shows that people with bipolar disorder may have difficulties with working memory, verbal learning and memory, and recall and recognition....

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LearningRx reviews study on drug limiting brain damage from stroke...

Mar 11, 2017 by

A drug licensed for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis has been found to not only limit stroke damage by reducing death of brain cells, but also by promoting repair by spurring the birth of new ones....

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LearningRx reviews study on how retrieval practice may protect memory...

Mar 9, 2017 by

Tufts University researchers found that taking practice tests—compared to just restudying material—countered the adverse effects of stress on memory....

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LearningRx reviews oppositional behavior & academics study...

Mar 7, 2017 by

A survey of parents of 226 school-age children who had been previously identified as having oppositional behavior and academic difficulties, found that many reported significant improvements in behavior and academics following LearningRx (www.LearningRx.com) personal brain training. The results have...

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