Bad cholesterol affects cognitive performance

Aug 15, 2016 by

Low-density lipoproteins, which most people refer to as “bad cholesterol,” has a negative effect on cognition. But it’s not just the average level of the LDL cholesterol, it’s also the degree to which levels vary....

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Kids with ADHD don’t get much quality sleep

Aug 9, 2016 by

A study out of Denmark found that kids with ADHD sleep less and take longer to fall asleep than their non-ADHD peers....

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A dull and dirty workplace worsens cognitive function

Jul 10, 2016 by

A Florida State University study found that both dull and dirty (mold, solvents and other chemicals) workplaces affected long-term cognition....

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Kids whose families move more may have declines in academic performance...

Jun 30, 2016 by

A study of 19,162 children found that those who moved households frequently had declines in grades and higher rates of emotional and behavioral problems....

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New technologies hoping to repair cognition

Jun 7, 2016 by

New technologies are mapping our understanding of cognition and helping us improve memory and learning in patients with cognitive deficits....

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Could a brain “growth chart” spot attention struggles early?...

May 30, 2016 by

University of Michigan Health System researchers have found that it may be possible to create a growth chart of brain networks that could identify early signs of attention struggles and possibly, ADHD....

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Some common OTC meds linked to cognitive impairment

May 8, 2016 by

Older adults are being warned to avoid OTC products like cold medicines because they are linked to cognitive impairment....

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