Night shift work affects women’s cognitive skills more than men’s...

May 2, 2016 by

A study from the Surrey Sleep Research Centre in the UK found that women didn’t perform as well as men on attention, motor control and working memory tests after experiencing a 28-hour day schedule that forced them out of...

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Video games have positive effects on kids’ cognitive skills...

Apr 30, 2016 by

New research published in the journal “Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,” indicates that playing on-screen games is actually good for children’s mental, cognitive and social skills....

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Computer usage might reduce cognitive decline later in life

Apr 13, 2016 by

There’s new evidence that using a computer might help our brains—not hurt them—as we age....

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Link between ADHD and academic expectations identified

Apr 12, 2016 by

Researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine have found that there may be a correlation between the prevalence of ADHD and increasing academic demands placed on young kids....

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Age that child starts school may impact risk of ADHD diagnosis...

Apr 10, 2016 by

Researchers studying preschool and elementary school kids found that those born in August (the youngest in their class) were more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD and receive medication, compared to those born in September (the oldest in their...

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Kids who move while learning may observe more

Mar 30, 2016 by

A new study of 500 children in the Netherlands found that those who learned math and spelling in physically active classes tested better than kids who sat at their desks....

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Passive smoking may hamper kids’ cognitive skills

Mar 23, 2016 by

A team of researchers at Augusta University found that every single one of the team’s cognitive measures was poorer in the smoke-exposed children....

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