LearningRx1 Autism | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 10

Enhanced visual search abilities may identify autism at age 9 months...

Jul 6, 2015 by

Even before the onset of clinical symptoms, “superior perception” is present in children who have autism – as early as 9 months old....

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Sensorimotor regions become over connected in children with autism...

May 11, 2015 by

Scientists have discovered that in children and adolescents with ASD, the connections between the cerebellum and cerebral cortex are overdeveloped in the sensorimotor regions of the brain....

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Brain imaging shows language development difference in kids with autism...

May 1, 2015 by

A study of infants and toddlers found that differences in their brains can tell who will develop along the autism spectrum with poor language abilities and who won’t....

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Autism genes activate during development of fetal brain

Mar 30, 2015 by

New research indicates that mutations that cause autism are connected to a pathway that regulates brain development....

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Abandoned children at risk of autism

Mar 25, 2015 by

A new study suggests that children raised in institutions have an increased risk of developing symptoms similar to those seen in autism....

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Declarative memory compensates for dyslexia, autism & SLI...

Mar 18, 2015 by

People with any of five neurodevelopmental disorders—OCD, autism, Tourette’s, dyslexia and Specific Language Impairment—rely on declarative memory to compensate for dysfunctions....

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Imaging test for ASD in development

Feb 25, 2015 by

Scientists at Virginia Tech Carilion Research are developing a two-minute brain-imaging test that might be able to diagnose children with autism spectrum disorder....

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