LearningRx1 Autism | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 9

The same genes that influence health shape cognitive skills

Mar 21, 2016 by

Genes associated with Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia and autism also appear to have an impact on some cognitive functions....

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Researchers find evidence that autism may lie in a fold in the brain...

Feb 9, 2016 by

Scientists have identified an autism biomarker that can be detected using MRI from as young as two years old. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/305043.php...

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Untapped part of brain cell may lead to new therapies for autism...

Jan 19, 2016 by

Scientists at UCLA have discovered a region in brain cells that could provide fresh drug targets for autism....

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Mother’s PCOS may raise autism risk in offspring

Jan 5, 2016 by

Researchers have identified a link between maternal polycystic ovary syndrome and increased risk of autism in the offspring....

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A sniff test may lead to early autism diagnosis

Aug 17, 2015 by

A new study has found that children with autism sniff the same way regardless of whether presented with a good or bad odor....

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The brain’s of ASD youth with hypersensitivity react differently...

Jul 22, 2015 by

UCLA researchers using fMRIs found that the brains youth on the autism spectrum who were more sensitive to sensory stimuli react different than autistic children without the extra sensitivity....

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Glycemic index of diet may influence autism symptoms

Jul 8, 2015 by

Researchers have discovered that a high glycemic index diet leads to the activation of more immune cells in the brain and more genes associated with inflammation....

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