LearningRx1 Concentration | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 3

Training the Brain: Beyond Vision Therapy

Aug 23, 2016 by

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the ThinkRx cognitive training program. Sixty-one children (ages 6–18) were given pretest and post-test assessments using seven batteries from the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Tests of...

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LearningRx reviews oppositional behavior & academics study...

Aug 23, 2016 by

A survey of parents of 226 school-age children who had been previously identified as having oppositional behavior and academic difficulties, found that many reported significant improvements in behavior and academics following LearningRx (www.LearningRx.com) personal brain training. The results have...

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Bad cholesterol affects cognitive performance

Aug 15, 2016 by

Low-density lipoproteins, which most people refer to as “bad cholesterol,” has a negative effect on cognition. But it’s not just the average level of the LDL cholesterol, it’s also the degree to which levels vary....

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Video games have positive effects on kids’ cognitive skills...

Apr 30, 2016 by

New research published in the journal “Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,” indicates that playing on-screen games is actually good for children’s mental, cognitive and social skills....

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Kids who move while learning may observe more

Mar 30, 2016 by

A new study of 500 children in the Netherlands found that those who learned math and spelling in physically active classes tested better than kids who sat at their desks....

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Formula predicts which NFL players risk brain damage

Mar 28, 2016 by

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles have developed a formula to predict which NFL players will suffer brain damage decades after they retire by looking at their history of concussions, job history, reading ability and general life...

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First autopsy-confirmed case of CTE to include neuropsychological testing...

Feb 21, 2016 by

A 25-year-old football player with CTE who had 10 concussions beginning at age 8 provided the first autopsy-confirmed CTE case in which researchers could include neuropsychological testing to document the type of cognitive issues that were present....

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