LearningRx1 Dyslexia | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 7

Learning to read goes beyond 4th grade

Aug 19, 2014 by

Researchers studied the brain waves of fourth-graders and found that “learning to read” doesn’t necessarily change to “reading to learn” in fourth grade....

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Fit kids have better language skills

Jul 30, 2014 by

There’s new evidence that fit children are not only in better shape than their unfit peers, but also better at language and brain response times....

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Children with dyslexia have more glutamate and choline in brain...

Apr 13, 2014 by

A new Yale study has found that young reading-impaired children have more glutamate and choline in their brains than good readers....

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Delayed language due to genes and gender

Mar 20, 2014 by

The CDC says 1 in 6 kids has a developmental disability and now a new study in Norway says that delayed language development is likely due to both gender (boys are at greater risk) and family history....

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Reading a novel can physically change your brain

Jan 16, 2014 by

Researchers at Emory University studied the brains of college students the morning after they read assigned parts of a thriller novel and found that their brains had changed....

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Dyslexics struggle because reading is a multiple component task...

Jan 9, 2014 by

Reading is a multiple component task causing difficulty for children with dyslexia. Compared to their non-dyslexic peers, children with dyslexia have trouble identifying strings of letters, programming eye movements and synchronizing speech output....

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Moderate to vigorous exercise boosts teens’ grades

Nov 13, 2013 by

The more intensive the exercise, the greater the impact on test results. This is especially true when it comes to girls and science....

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