LearningRx1 Dyslexia | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 9

WHITE PAPER: “The Prevention of Reading Difficulties”...

Jul 1, 2013 by

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this article is to provide practical advice about methods to prevent reading failure that is grounded in the new knowledge we have acquired about reading and learning to read over the past 2 decades. Recent...

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WHITE PAPER: Modifying of brain activation of dyslexics with brain training...

Jul 1, 2013 by

ABSTRACT: This study used fMRI to longitudinally assess the impact of intensive remedial instruction on cortical activation among 5th grade poor readers during a sentence comprehension task. The children were tested at three time points: prior to remediation, after...

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WHITE PAPER: Dyslexia and Reading Problems

May 22, 2013 by

“Dyslexia and Reading Problems” by Lori Bryan, Ph.D....

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Omega-3s may help reading skills

Sep 10, 2012 by

Omega 3 may help improve kids’ reading skills. In a double-blind study, kids too 600mg per day of omega-3 DHA from algal oil for 16 weeks. Compared to the kids who took the placebo, the lowest tenth of the...

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Some dyslexia caused by thalamus not processing speech sounds correctly...

Aug 11, 2012 by

There’s new evidence out of Germany that indicates that some dyslexia is caused by the medial geniculate body (part of the thalamus) not processing speech sounds correctly....

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