LearningRx1 IQ | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 5

New ‘child-friendly’ test for autism

Aug 14, 2019 by

For young children with autism, questionnaires and psychologist evaluations can be stressful. But new research has found an easier, stress-free tests for children with autism that involves tracking their gaze....

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How Language-Learning Boosts the Brain

Feb 28, 2019 by

New research out of Switzerland has shown that students who seriously committed to learning a new language had growth in several areas of the brain. The hippocampus, which is associated with learning and spatial navigation, and the outmost layer...

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Researchers find clues into early development of ASD

Feb 16, 2019 by

Researchers at the Salk Institute compared stem cells created from people with and without autism spectrum disorder. They found measurable differences in both the patterns and the speed of development in the cells derived from those with autism spectrum...

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Left-cradling bias linked to better social cognitive abilities in children...

Aug 14, 2018 by

A new study from City, University of London found that children who cradle dolls on the left tend to show higher social cognitive abilities than those who do not....

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New algorithm uses brain scan to tell how smart you are

Aug 5, 2018 by

Scientists at Caltech have developed a new machine-learning algorithm that can predict a person’s IQ with incredible accuracy based on their brain activity patterns....

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Childhood IQ may predict onset of psychotic disorders

Feb 27, 2018 by

In a study that followed 4,322 people from the UK from 18 months to 20 years old, researchers found that those who went on to develop psychotic disorders in adulthood performed normally on IQ tests while they were infants,...

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Novel technique reveals link between IQ and brain connectivity...

Feb 4, 2018 by

The results of a simple technique for mapping the wiring of the brain has shown a link between how well connected a person’s regions are and their IQ....

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