6 months of exercise may reverse mild cognitive impairment

Feb 10, 2019 by

A new study published in the journal Neurology found that just six months of aerobic exercise may be enough to reverse symptoms of mild cognitive impairment in older adults. The results of the study found that the group who...

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“Super donors” may one day cure Alzheimer’s

Feb 8, 2019 by

There’s new research suggesting that fecal transplants may be able to cure a variety of conditions, including Alzheimer’s. People with rich microbial diversity—called “super donors” may hold the potential to help countless people whose conditions are caused or worsened...

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Alzheimer’s may be triggered by leaky blood vessels

Feb 6, 2019 by

A team at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles has found that leaky capillaries in the brain may play a role in the development of Alzheimer’s. The study results were published in the journal Nature Medicine....

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Candida infection can impair memory

Feb 4, 2019 by

New research published in the journal Nature Communications found that the fungus Candida albicans, which was once believe to be harmless, may actually cause memory problems and brain abnormalities that can significantly decrease memory....

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Boosting histamine levels helps long-term memory

Feb 2, 2019 by

A new study finds that taking a drug to boost histamine levels could improve cognitive performance, specifically in tests of long-term memory. But the research found that only those with lower memory scores before the histamine increase saw improvements,...

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How bullying affects the brain

Jan 6, 2019 by

New research shoes that kids and teens who are chronically bullied have physical structural changes in the brain, affecting attention, motivation, reward sensitivity, conditioning and emotional processing....

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Blood test could help diagnose Alzheimer’s

Jan 4, 2019 by

Scientists at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have devised a blood test that could test for Alzheimer’s biomarkers before the appearance of obvious symptoms....

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