Eating fiber can delay brain aging

Sep 20, 2018 by

A new study has found that eating fiber-rich foods, such a broccoli, nuts, oats, beans and whole-grain bread, might help delay brain aging by triggering the production of a short-chain fatty acid that has anti-inflammatory properties.

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New risk factor for dementia identified

Sep 18, 2018 by

New research has found that people whose exposure to nitrogen dioxide from air pollution was in the top fifth had a 40% greater risk of being diagnosed with dementia, deregistration from the doctor’s office or death, whichever came first....

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Working memory might be more flexible than previously thought...

Sep 16, 2018 by

A new study suggests that working memory doesn’t have fixed limits, as one thought, but rather these limits adapt themselves to the task being performed....

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Can we predict the long-term outcomes of boys with ADHD?

Sep 14, 2018 by

A study of boys with ADHD in childhood (average age was 8 years old) and followed into adulthood (into their early 40s) found that while most of the early characteristics failed to distinguish between the poor vs. good outcomes,...

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Largest brain study identifies driver of brain aging

Sep 12, 2018 by

Researchers studied the brain scans of more than 30,000 people between 9 months old and 105 years old and found that schizophrenia, cannabis use and alcohol abuse are just several disorders related to accelerated brain aging....

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Study finds more minorities labeled “learning disabilities” because of social inequities...

Sep 10, 2018 by

Portland State University researchers found that the disproportionate placement of racial minorities into special ed for learning disabilities is largely due to social inequities outside the schools rather than racially biased educators....

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How brains of doers differ from those of procrastinators

Sep 8, 2018 by

Researchers used MRIs to study the brains of self-professed “doers” and “procrastinators” and found that procrastinators had less connectivity between the amygdala and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex....

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