LearningRx1 brain news | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 3

Singing in a foreign language makes it easier to learn it

Aug 22, 2013 by

Compared to just speaking phrases in a foreign language, students who sang the words and phrases performed much better in the language. Speaking who sang the words and phrases also did better than those who repeated the phrases by...

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A new way to predict long-term success in college?

Aug 20, 2013 by

New research out of the Georgia Institute of Technology and Rice University suggests that a combination of AP exam results, personality traits and standard admission practices may give the most accurate prediction of whether someone will succeed in college...

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Humans’ and birds’ brains wired similarly

Aug 19, 2013 by

New research mapping the typical bird brain showed how similar they are to the typical human brain. Regions of the brain that deal with high-level cognition (e.g. long-term memory and problem solving) are wired to other areas of the...

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New communication between different brain cell types discovered...

Aug 7, 2013 by

Neuroscientists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz have found that nerve cells interact with neighboring glial cells, which results in a transfer of protein and genetic info. It’s how the nerve cells protect themselves against stressful growth conditions. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/263510.php...

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New study casts doubts on dedicated areas of the brain

Aug 2, 2013 by

The rules for neuroimaging are being rewritten. New research indicates that a basic assumption with “cognitive subtraction” may be an inaccurate approach. Instead, new research says that the opposite may actually be true: “cognitive addition.” http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/263215.php...

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Breaking the Link Between Vision and Dyslexia

Jul 30, 2013 by

It took awhile for those rumors about vision problems being the cause of dyslexia to subside, but they’re finally being disproved. New research from Georgetown University Medical Center have published research showing the real cause of dyslexia....

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