LearningRx1 cognitive decline | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 5

Keto diet may protect against cognitive decline

Nov 12, 2018 by

A study from the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging at the University of Kentucky has found that the ketogenic diet may help keep the brain healthy and young. The low-carb, fat-rich dietary plan may protect neurovascular function, as well as...

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The link between depression and cognitive decline

Jul 16, 2018 by

Research by psychologists at the University of Sussex have found substantial evidence of the link between depression and decreased cognitive function in the general population....

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MIND diet may slow cognitive decline after stroke

Mar 14, 2018 by

Scientists have found that the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet, which may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s, may also help slow cognitive decline after a stroke....

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Vitamin B3 may be used to treat Alzheimer’s

Mar 2, 2018 by

A form of vitamin B3 has been found to prevent brain damage in mice. The findings may lead to new therapy for Alzheimer’s disease....

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Small dietary change may keep brain young

Dec 28, 2017 by

A recent study that followed 960 participants with an average age of 81 for 4.7 years found that the difference between those who ate only 0.1 portions of leafy greens per day compared to those who ate 1.3 portions...

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Exercise in childhood may prevent cognitive decline later

Oct 18, 2017 by

A study on rats has found that exercise at a young age may stave off cognitive impairment much later in life by creating a cognitive reserve....

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