First autopsy-confirmed case of CTE to include neuropsychological testing...

Feb 21, 2016 by

A 25-year-old football player with CTE who had 10 concussions beginning at age 8 provided the first autopsy-confirmed CTE case in which researchers could include neuropsychological testing to document the type of cognitive issues that were present....

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CTE confirmed as unique disease that can be definitely diagnosed...

Jan 15, 2016 by

A consensus panel of expert neuropathologists has found that CTE has a pathognomonic signature in the brain and is therefore a unique disease....

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Many retired NFL players have poor memory and brain shrinkage...

Jun 17, 2015 by

A new study has found that there is a strong link between long-term brain impairments and concussions in retired NFL players....

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Degenerative brain condition symptoms seen in retired football players...

May 6, 2015 by

Neurologists looked at the brains of 14 retired NFL players and found that they all had a “fingerprint” characteristic of chronic traumatic encephalopathy....

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H.S. football players’ brain change after one season

Jan 21, 2015 by

Even in the absence of a concussion, high school football players’ brains change in just one season....

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5 football helmets meet 5-star rating

Jun 18, 2014 by

The Virginia Tech Helmet Ratings(tm) have given five new football helmets their highest rating of five stars....

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