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Alcohol in first month of pregnancy may lead to permanent brain changes in baby...

Jun 5, 2015 by

University of Helsinki researchers have found that drinking alcohol as early as 3 to 4 weeks into pregnancy (before many women even know they’re pregnant) may alter the gene function of their offspring....

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Hidden gene may help strengthen brain function

Apr 29, 2015 by

Researchers have found that a gene called Gomafu might act as a surveillance system of sorts, allowing the brain to change rapidly if necessary....

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Preemies’ risk for brain injury influenced by genes

Jun 14, 2014 by

Researchers have found that premature babies’ risk of brain injury is associated with a common variation in genetics....

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TBI recovery influenced by one gene

Apr 25, 2014 by

There’s new evidence that one change in the sequence of the BDNF gene can make recovering from a TBI more difficulty compared to others with the same wounds....

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