LearningRx1 Memory | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 22

Dementia: Both too much and too little alcohol may raise risk...

Sep 4, 2018 by

A new study of more than 9,000 people over 23 years has found that there is a link between alcohol consumption and dementia risk, but it’s complicated. On one hand, alcohol-related hospital admissions raised the risk of dementia fourfold....

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Existing drug may prevent Alzheimer’s

Sep 2, 2018 by

Researchers have found that taking the drug memantine, which is current used to manage the symptoms of Alzheimer’s, may help prevent it if taken long before the symptoms of the condition appear....

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How much should seniors exercise to improve brain function?

Jul 14, 2018 by

Exercise has long been tied to improved brain function in seniors, but there’s new evidence that low-intensity exercise such as walking has the same benefits as high-intensity exercises, as long as it’s done for at least 52 hours total...

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Research confirms that social interaction protects memory

Jul 12, 2018 by

Although memory has been previously tied to social interaction, a new study seems to confirm the theory that the more social interaction we experience as we age, the better our brains perform....

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A flexible aorta might slow brain aging

Jul 10, 2018 by

The lead author in a new study believes that a more elastic aorta protects cognitive function by decreasing the negative effects of excessive blood pressure on the brain....

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Our guts have a say in our spatial memory

Jul 8, 2018 by

The largest nerve in the autonomic nervous system, the vagus nerve, is now believed to send signals to the hippocampus, where memory formation and recall take place. It’s theorized that this comes from an animals’ need to remember their...

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