Clinical pilates can improve cognitive skills in MS patients
Researchers in Turkey studied how pilates improved not only physical issues in patients with multiple sclerosis, but also their cognitive skills....
read moreResearchers in Turkey studied how pilates improved not only physical issues in patients with multiple sclerosis, but also their cognitive skills....
read moreA recent trial of people with MS found that those who used computer-based cognitive remediation training programs had significantly higher cognitive test scores than those who had a placebo computer program....
read moreA new study from the Kessler Foundation has linked the length of a task with cognitive fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis.
read moreA new study found that people with MS experienced positive changes in their brain connections related to balance and movement after using the Wii balance board....
read moreResearchers have found that brain reserve and cognitive reserve can have positive long-term benefits in the fight against cognitive decline caused by MS....
read moreNew research seems to explain why multiple sclerosis is more common in women – it has to do with gender differences in the brain....
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