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EEGs show nuts strengthen your brain

Dec 21, 2017 by

New research has shown that nuts aren’t just good for your body, but also good for your brain. They have lots of antioxidants believe to have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerous and heart-protective effects. The flavonoids are believe to induce neuroprotective effects,...

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Extra nuts or oil with Mediterranean diet may protect memory

Jun 12, 2015 by

Older adults (average age of 67 for this study) were found to receive protective effects in regards to cognitive function when they followed a Mediterranean diet and supplemented it with additional mixed nuts or extra virgin olive oil....

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Walnuts slow Alzheimer’s in mice

Nov 2, 2014 by

New research indicates that a walnut-enriched diet, which slowed Alzheimer’s progression in mice, may also help seniors with Alzheimer’s....

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