LearningRx1 pregnancy | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 6

4. Boys in-utero development disrupted by phenols

Oct 11, 2014 by

Male fetuses that are exposed to endocrine disruptors through the mother’s cosmetics, toothpastes, soaps, lining of food cans, etc. can have stunted growth in-utero and during the first years of life. SOURCE:...

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Binge drinking during pregnancy increases risk of ADHD in baby later...

Oct 10, 2014 by

Pregnant women who binge drink can increase their baby’s risk of having ADHD later (this study was on 11-year-olds). SOURCE:...

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The importance of Vitamin E during pregnancy

Oct 9, 2014 by

New analysis suggests that inadequate vitamin E is associated with poor outcomes during pregnancy for both infant and mother. SOURCE:...

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Iron deficiency in pregnancy linked to increased autism risk

Oct 7, 2014 by

A new study has found that mothers of children with autism were less likely to have taken iron supplements during pregnancy....

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Births at short/long interpregnancy intervals have higher autism risk...

Oct 4, 2014 by

Babies conceived more than five years or less than one year after their prior sibling have a greater risk of being diagnosed with autism....

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Performance-enhancing drug may cut birth defect risk

Sep 28, 2014 by

Researchers have found that administering the hormone EPO could help reduce the risk of preterm babies developing brain damage....

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