LearningRx1 pregnancy | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 7

Too much folic acid can alter brain development and behavior

Sep 19, 2014 by

Scientists have discovered that higher doses of folic acid during pregnancy and throughout life can have negative effects on brain development and behavior....

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Premature babies often have different brain structure

Jul 26, 2014 by

There’s new evidence that babies born 4 to 6 weeks early often have different brain structure than babies born on schedule. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/05/140505094157.htm...

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Omega-3s during pregnancy doesn’t affect cognition of child...

Jul 20, 2014 by

Taking Omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy does not appear to improve the cognitive outcome of the child....

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Stress during pregnancy linked to autism and asthma

Jul 3, 2014 by

Moms who are stress during pregnancy may increase the development of symptoms of asthma and autism in their child. Researchers in Canada have been studying the effects of stress on pregnant women who endured the January 1998 Quebec ice...

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Pregnant women have increased activity in right side of brain...

Jun 6, 2014 by

Researchers in London have discovered that pregnant women have more activity in the right side of the brain, which houses the region that deals with emotional skills....

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SSRIs during pregnancy may increase boys’ risk of autism...

May 28, 2014 by

Pregnant women carrying boys who take certain SSRIs (medications used to treat depression, anxiety and other mental-health problems) increase their risk of having a child with autism and developmental delays....

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