Abnormal levels of lipid levels in the brain during prenatal development can trigger autism...

May 8, 2014 by

These lipid levels can be affected by exposure to chemicals in common over-the counter medicines and cosmetics....

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Pregnancy, acetaminophen and ADHD

Mar 16, 2014 by

New research suggest that pregnant women who take acetaminophen during pregnancy are likely at increased risk for their child developing ADHD....

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Autism risk increased with hospital-diagnosed maternal infections...

Feb 25, 2014 by

A Kaiser Permanente study has found that pregnant women who are diagnosed with a bacterial infection in a hospital have a greater risk of giving birth to a child who develops ASD....

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Exercise during pregnancy helps newborn baby’s brain develop...

Dec 8, 2013 by

Mothers who exercised while pregnant had newborns (ages 8 to 12 days) with brains that had more mature cerebral activation. This suggests that the babies’ brains (of whose mothers exercised during pregnancy) developed more rapidly....

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Mother’s diet during pregnancy and early life may affect baby’s IQ and behavior later...

Oct 19, 2013 by

What a pregnant woman eats during her pregnancy and soon after the baby is born can have a significant impact on the child’s behavior and IQ … even later in life....

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Very premature babies at high risk of neurodevelopmental problems later...

Sep 24, 2013 by

Babies born between 22 and 25 weeks of gestation had a significant risk of developing moderate to severe neurological problems. At 22 weeks gestation, there was a 43 percent risk of moderate-severe impairment, and a 31percent risk of severe...

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