Brain Training With Neurofeedback Strengthens the Brain

Jun 10, 2019 by

A new study published in Neuroimage found that less than one hour of brain training with neurofeedback can strengthen neural connections and communication between brain regions....

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Sudokus and Crosswords Sharpen the Brain for Adults 50 and Over...

Jun 6, 2019 by

Research on more than 19,000 participants found that the more regularly adults 50 and over did Sudoku and crosswords, the better than brain function. The results were published in two linked papers in the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry....

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Scientists Develop an Objective, Brain-based Test to Diagnose Autism...

Jun 4, 2019 by

Scientists at Wake Forest School of Medicine used fMRIs to measure the response of children with autism to different environmental cues in the part of the brain involved in assigning value to social interactions....

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Scientists develop first portable, wearable brain monitoring system...

Feb 24, 2016 by

Bioengineers and cognitive scientists came together to take brain activity monitoring out of the lab and on the go with a 64-channel system....

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Those with high motor excitability have better working memory...

Jan 3, 2014 by

People with a high motor excitability have better working memory than their peers with low excitability. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation, researchers found that people with high motor excitability have increased working memory. Interesting to note: working memory deficits are...

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