LearningRx1 Sleep | http://www.learningrx.org - Part 3

Immune cells do maintenance on the brain during sleep

Feb 6, 2020 by

Although previous has shown us that the brain clears up waste and updates memories during sleep, new research has found that specialized immune cells are hard at work in the brain during sleep too....

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Sleep duration forecasts ADHD for school-aged children

Jan 28, 2020 by

Researchers from Norway have found that how much a child sleeps may accurately predict whether they will have psychiatric disorder later in life including ADHD. The study followed children who were 6, 8, 10 and 12. The link was...

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Researchers activate problem-solving during sleep

Dec 19, 2019 by

In a fascinating new piece of research, scientists were able to get study participants solve puzzles in their sleep. The researchers had participants solve part a puzzle while listening to a unique sound. While the volunteers slept, the scientists...

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Sleep deprivation triples lapses in attention

Dec 10, 2019 by

New research published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General found that sleep deprivation can triple the number of lapses in attention and double the odds of making “placekeeping” errors. These are errors in how well you follow complex...

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Daytime Sleepiness in Alzheimer’s Caused by Brain Cell Death...

Sep 5, 2019 by

People with Alzheimer’s often experience extreme daytime sleepiness and until recently, scientists weren’t sure why. But new research out of the University of California, San Francisco has found that major brain cell loss in the regions of the brain...

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Sleep apnea may be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s

Mar 20, 2019 by

In new research from the Mayo Clinic, brain scans have revealed that there may be an association between sleep apnea and a particular Alzheimer’s biomarker....

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