How sounds may influence fetal development

Feb 23, 2021 by

A new study by Johns Hopkins and the University of Maryland found that exposure to sound encouraged more diverse cortical connections in newborn mice than mice housed in silent enclosures. The mice who were not exposed to sound developed...

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Quietness better than music for creativity

Mar 22, 2019 by

Research teams from the UK have found that music can “significantly impair” people’s ability to solve tasks that involve verbal creativity. They found that quietness, or even background noise at a library, is more beneficial....

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How music and language shape the brain

Jan 7, 2016 by

A Northwestern University professor has created a way to measure how the brain makes sense of sound....

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Biological test may identify future literacy struggles

Aug 19, 2015 by

A study of preliterate children has found that those whose brains inefficiently process speech against a background of noise are more likely than their peers to have trouble with language development and reading when they get to school....

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Sense of sound and sight separated in children with autism

Feb 24, 2014 by

A new study from Vanderbilt indicates that children with ASD have difficulty integrating sound and sight, which may make it harder to develop social and communication skills....

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