Study says running barefoot boosts memory and improves cognitive skills...

Jun 26, 2016 by

A University of Florida study suggests that running barefoot is better than running in shoes to improve working memory....

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Athletes with psychological pain take longer to recover from concussion...

Jun 24, 2016 by

Research published in “Neurology” suggests that athletes who complain of aches and pains that have no physical cause take longer to recover from concussion....

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Children and teens take longer to recover from concussion

Jun 19, 2016 by

A study from York University found that it may take up to two years for a child or teen to fully recover from a concussion before they can play as skillfully as their teammates who have never had a...

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Assessment tool helps predict risk of post-concussion symptoms in kids...

Apr 14, 2016 by

A clinic risk score is better at predicting future persistent post-concussion symptoms than physician judgment....

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Rest after concussion to avoid ‘sustained brain damage’

Mar 14, 2016 by

Resting after a concussion is vital, which is why most people with single concussions recover just fine but athletes who play contact sports on a regular basis are much more susceptible to lasting brain damage....

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Drugs shows promise for reducing inflammation caused by TBI

Mar 3, 2016 by

An experimental drug called MW151 appears to suppress levels of a pro-inflammatory cytokine, which reduces inflammation without interfering with the brain’s repair process....

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